After the summer, I started firing up the observatory and encountered a few problems:(
- The Dec belt drive on the PMX failed. Had to install another belt.
- Tried to remove the QHY guide camera and broke the camera. I thought the power connector unscrewed, but the connector was actually unscrewing the jack from the camera. It broke the wires. So, sent it in to OPT for repair. Unfortunately, it has to be sent to Europe – OPT collects a few and sends them as a group. So, it will come back the first of Never, I guess.
- The ST8300 is having trouble guiding. Somehow, the light from the prism does not come into the camera correctly – the light is halfway off the chip. Sent the 8300 to SBig to see if this can be fixed. Don’t know how long this will take.
ST-i image showing light offset by half. - Wanted to hook the ST-i up to the FSQ to guide, with the ST2000 imaging on the Edge. Of course, a) the ST-i will not focus, and b) I do not have appropriate adapters to attach the ST-i. Ordered an adapter from PreciseParts; hopefully it will fit and work.