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SkyX Timeout problem

Good news/Bad news:

Good news: I am now getting plate solves in ACP from FindBrightStar. Cool – FL is 2818 mm, bin 2 gives .76 arcsec/pixel.

Bad news: still getting SkyX **REFRESH TIMER EXCEPTION** when slewing, waiting for slew, etc. Sometimes works once, crashes the next time; sometimes crashes right away.

Turned off “Slew – start delay for CPU-hogging cameras”. Crashed ACP right away.

Turned off TPoint, ProTrack, and PEC. Now everything seems to work! Turned back on TPoint; still works. Turned on ProTrack and PEC; still works. Don’t have a clue why it now works. Perhaps something in the startup sequence of SkyX?

Posted note in Bisque Forum, hopefully Daniel et. al. will have a helpful response.

Hmmm, I never turned the “Slew – start delay” setting again.

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