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Paramount Progress

I put a 25 pound weight with the other counterweights, and now I can get the system to balance. I ordered the counterweight extension shaft, hopefully that will allow the 2 weights alone to balance things.

Can now connect from theSkyX. Played with moving it around, etc. It is cloudy, of course, so I can’t sync or start getting polar aligned.

Problem:  to close the roof, the park position needs to be with the OTA below the counterweights. The Paramount/TSX does not like this. I can set that park position, but when I park it realizes this is a bad position and puts the OTA on the other side of the mount, above the counterweights. This is too high – roof cannot clear.

I contacted Leo to get the pier cut off. It looks like if I remove 6 inches, this will give me some room. 10 inches willl allow the home position to clear, but it lowers the mount quite a bit. In the end, he took the pier back to the shop to remove about 7 1/2″ from the pier. It may be a few days before I can get the pier back.


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