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First attempt with MX

Last Monday, Leo delivered the cut-down pier. This allows the MX to successfully park so the roof can open/close. I immediately ran down and installed the mount, OTAs, cables, etc.

Now I wait for some clear time to align the mount.

Today (Friday) the forecast was for 3-4 hours of clear time in the early evening. I ran down to the observatory and started.

Hmm, ACP won’t connect to the MX. It wants to connect via Sky6, not SkyX. OK, I will deal with that later.

I managed to do the Quick Align procedure using Jupiter. I also managed to get the Edge and Tak lined up (with Telrad) so they point to the same spot. Defined a good park position.

This all took about 35 minutes – at this point, the Fates intervened and the clouds rolled in.

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