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Eagle Nebula – M16


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Common Name Eagle Nebula
Formal Name M 16 / NGC 6611
Date 7/25-30/2006
Constellation Serpens
Location Eldorado, TX X Bar Ranch
Equipment Takahashi Sky90 piggybacked on Nexstar 11GPS, SBig 2000XM Camera/Filter Wheel, Astrodon filters
Temperature −15°C
# Exp (sec) Filter Bin Net Time (hr)
3 900 Blue 1x1
2 900 Red 1x1
3 900 Green 1x1
3 900 HAlpha 1x1
Total 2.75 hrs
Processing Calibrated in CCDSoft
Aligned in Registar
Adaptive Added, Digital Developed in Images Plus
Cropped, Adjusted Curves in Photoshop
Notes A star-forming nebula with a young open star cluster. The nebula is best known for the Pillars of Creation region, three large pillars of gas famously photographed by Hubble in 1995.
Also known as the Star Queen Nebula, M16 lies at a distance of 7,000 light years from Earth.
The Eagle Nebula occupies an area 70 by 55 light years in size, or 30 arc minutes of the sky, while the open cluster has a radius of 15 light years.

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