Playing with Drizzle again.
Saw a mention on the PixInsight forums about Drizzling with factor 1. Apparently this can help reduce the noise in your stacked image? Odd idea, I will have to try that sometime.
Tried varying the drizzle Kernel function. There are several possibilities, primarily Square (default), circular, and Gaussian. Potentially Gaussian can provide better results, but needs a larger number of subs to work well.
So, I tried doing 16 subs (Blue filter of M100, binned x2, 15 minutes each), using each of the 3 functions. I used a 0.9 drop size for each, drizzling by a factor of 2. The hardware was the STF8300M / Edge 11 combination. Measured the noise of the integrated image using the Noise script.
Kernel | Noise (e-4) |
No Drizzling | 2.590 |
Square | 1.511 |
Circle | 2.015 |
Gaussian | 2.580 |
Clearly in this case the default Square function performed the best. The Gaussian took significantly longer to calculate and was no better than not drizzling at all..