I historically used Notepad to edit my plans for ACP. Occasionally I use ACP’s Planner to initially generate a plan, but I always end up modifying that plan in Notepad. Usually I just copy an existing plan, then modify that plan for my new target.
The problem is that I often want to add a plan directive, but I don’t actually remember the format of the directive or what the various parameters might be. Is it #WaitUntil or #ShutdownAt that has the Sets parameter?
I also constantly screw up the format. For example, I change from 4 filters to 2 but forget to change the corresponding Count or Interval or Binning parameters. Heaven forbid I should be able to convert Local time to UTC time for things like #waituntil. Of course, if I have a #shutdownat command I always forget to change the date to the next morning when I restart the plan the next night.
I constantly restart my plans. Sometimes ACP immediately finds a problem (like mismatching #filter/ #count/ #interval/ #binning entries). Often I don’t realize I have an error until hours into the run…
So, I wrote this editor to try and keep my plans a bit under control.
Screen Shots
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